Get in touch with our team to learn what Facility Adviser can do for you!

FIT Deficiency View: Our one of a kind, interactive spreadsheet allows you to view, and manage all deficiencies in one, dynamic report. This report can be sorted by inspection type and exports to excel to support your work order system.

FIT Multi Year Comparison Report: This report shows FIT scores by school for up to four years in one view. Bring clarity to trends spanning multiple years or focus on a single year's worth of data using the same tool. Configure the report to represent the entire district, a single school or multiple schools. The multi-year comparison report also allows you to report on specific contexts, such as focusing on your Williams' schools. Designed with input from industry leaders and CASH. Helps support the LCAP.
Keep leadership informed by sharing up to four years of district wide FIT data in one report. Highlight your hard work by presenting improved FIT scores, or share the need for additional funding at sites with declining FIT scores. The multi-year comparison report can help clarify the big picture with even a single year's worth of data.